What does my score mean?

Your score is a reflection of how many badges you have earned. The more the badges, the higher your score. Do note that the companies on Geektrust do not see your score. They only see the badges you have earned.

  • A score of 0 usually means that your code does not comply to any of the standards we look for. In all probability you have not seen what we look for in your code. Companies will not proceed with your candidature.
  • A score between 1- 30 means your code is still missing a lot of important parameters from a clean code perspective. Some companies may be ok with moving forward with you, but many will not.
  • A score between 30 and above gives you a Geektrust membership. This opens up a lot more opportunities for you. However, even with this score, some companies will not interview you.
  • A score of 60 and above should get you interviews with most companies on Geektrust.
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